Meta description: Jewels. Crafting. Building. Shards. Essence. Mentars. Holo buildings. Etc. Those are some of the recent changes and updates made to the Earth2 metaverse. What direction are they taking it? We discuss all here.
Check out our post covering the basics of Earth2.io HERE
On October 28, Mark Zuckerberg announced the rebranding of Facebook to Meta Inc., a manifestation of the company’s pivoting to building the metaverse, a digital wing of the physical world using augmented reality, virtual reality, and videos. The announcement excited the world and got many asking about the nature and possibilities of the metaverse. In the sandbox for mobile phones and Microsoft Windows, TheSandbox, for example, you can design your own games and play them with your family and friends.

Earth2 (Source: Earth2.io).
Besides Facebook, many big companies have started buying into the metaverse. They include Binance, Atari, Roblox, Nvidia, The Smurfs, OpenSea, and Unity, among others. The metaverse, it seems, has come to be and may are already taking advantage of it. Launched in December 2020, Earth2 is arguably the most notable of those companies and so, you should really be interested in it.
Earth2: The Futuristic Conception of the Planet
Imagine having a second earth. Well, you do not need to imagine. Earth2, the futuristic conception of the world, has already made your imagination real – albeit in a virtual world. Using the MapBox technology, Earth2 partitions the earth into a grid of geographically linked layer on which people can buy and claim virtual land. Since launching, Earth2 has weathered one of the strongest storms of competition to grow at an unprecedented rate and sell more virtual land than every similar project.
Recently, many updates and changes such as Jewels, Building, Crafting, Shards, Essence, Mentars, and Holo Buildings were included into the Earth2 metaverse. Those are hereby described.
Jewel Crafting and Building
Free of charge, Jewels are produced on owned land. Otherwise, after verifying your profile, you can buy Jewels through the newly-added Bazzar on Earth2. You can use original jewels to craft rare jewels which you can sell on the Bazzar for profit.

One of the new intriguing features of Earth2 is the ability to craft new jewels from existing ones. 5 newer colours – Orange, Purple, Jamaica, Sunrise, and Sunset – have now been added to the Earth2 app. How are Jewels crafted on the app? New jewels are made by combining Original Jewels, Shards, and Essence. Crafted rare jewels can be sold on the Bazzar for profit, used for improved resource production, and in the up-coming PVP games.

Recently, Earth2 also added Quality Filter and Blue Jewel Filter for the Jewels Bazaar Page and updated the description on the Resource Page. It also added “Crafting.”

How are Shards made?
Shards are made by breaking down jewels. During failed attempts to make rare jewels, they are produced through the destruction of original jewels. Shards together with Essence are the materials combined in various ways to make second-level Jewels. However, understandably, Shards, the new feature on the Earth2 app, can be confusing. That is why to be able to effectively deploy it, you need to learn how to manipulate it.

You can produce Shards in three ways. First, by shattering Jewels. When you shatter a common small-coloured jewel, you break it into small pieces which are called shards, usually roughly 17. For high-quality jewels, however, the number is higher. To shatter a jewel, you input it into the crafting field and then click on “Shatter.” As earlier implied, Shards can also be created as a product of crafting, that is, through the combination of various jewels.
The third way by which Shards are made is during failed jewel creation. The Shards feature is useful in a number of ways. However, most importantly, you can use it to craft a cracked jewel and, together with Essence, enhance jewels.
How to get Essence?
On November 18, Earth2 announced the addition of Essence Filters for the transaction page – roughly a year after it updated Transactions Page, Contact Page, Settings Page, Private Data, internal system packages, upgraded to PayPal purchase gateway, and added “Best Value Filter” to the Market Place.
Essence is produced through the conversion of E-ther when you own land on which Mentars is installed. Jamaica, Sunrise, and Sunset can also be used to make land produce Essence.
What are Mentars?
Mentars, an amazing feature, was added to the Earth2 Metaverse for owned properties in August. It can generate E-ther which can be claimed and transformed into Essence. Thus, Mentars act as structures via which the gas, E-ther, is generated and converted into Essence. However; to increase the chances of Mentars doing that, users need to slot in Jewels into Properties with it.

The amount of generated Essence is always available to be viewed on the top menu. The type of E-ther you generate also determines the amount of Essence you produce. There are rumors that Essence is linked to cryptocurrency. You can get Mentars for free or buy it from the market. Once you sell a property, your Mentars also gets transferred along with it.
Earth2 has HoloBuilding. The HoloBuilding is the product of an activated and constructed Blueprint which has been placed on a Property. To build HoloBuildings, you need the HoloBuilding Editor. The editing tools now available are:
- Unify (Ctr + U)
- Difference (Ctr + D)
- Intersect (Ctr + I)
- Match Borders (Ctr + M)
- Clone (Ctr + C), and
- Delete (Del)

You can always update or even delete your HoloBuildings. Besides, from September, users could start to place Holobuildings on the Map within specific volume parameters for free. On November 5, Earth2 fixed an issue in the Holo Building Editor. Consequently, it became impossible to place Holo buildings on small properties. Holobuilding Vertex limit has also been increased from 10 to 20 per tile.

What direction are those updates taking the metaverse?
The new updates and fixes made to Earth2 are imbibing it with greater possibilities. While many users are not comfortable with them (yet?), it is important to note that the updates are propelling the Earth2 metaverse into a more exciting and enriching future direction, even though they have unavoidably added some technical complexities along the way.
With those new updates, you can better craft jewels, build HoloBuildings, and more easily generate Essence. With them, Earth2 is now better than ever to fulfill your virtual land dreams.
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